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5 Questions for Katie Anderson


Helpful tips about college admissions, test preparation and just being a better student, leader and person from ILUMIN Education.

5 Questions for Katie Anderson

Elton Lin

We asked Katie five questions to help you get to know her better.

1. What is one of your favorite aspects of working with students?

Building relationships with students is definitely one of my favorite aspects of consulting. It's incredibly rewarding to see my students grow and develop over time and to be a part of their journey as they discover their passions, build their skills, and overcome obstacles. The benefit of building relationships with students is that it allows me to tailor my guidance and support to each individual. Every student is different, and what works for one may not work for another. By actively listening and asking open-ended questions, I can identify students’ strengths, weaknesses, and unique challenges, then translate what I learn into guidance that is tailored specifically to their needs.

2. What is one insight you’ve gained from being an admissions reviewer?

From working at the University of California an insight I’ve gained is students who demonstrate a clear and authentic interest in their chosen field(s) of study or extracurricular activities often stand out in the admissions process. Admission officers can tell when an applicant is simply trying to "check off boxes" or present themselves in a certain way, versus when a student is passionate about their interests. This doesn’t mean students need to know exactly what they want to do long-term; instead, it’s important to pursue academics and extracurriculars that align with the student’s interests. As an example, I had the opportunity to work with a student who was passionate about teaching and art. She decided to create a free online series that would teach graphic art to elementary school students. Over time, her initiative evolved into a small business, allowing her to expand the course offerings and hire high school students to assist her. Through this process, she not only honed her artistic and creative skills, but also developed her teaching and mentoring abilities. Her experience demonstrated the power of pursuing one's passions and using them as a foundation for learning and growth.

3. What do you want students to know?

I believe that one of the most important lessons students can learn is that it's okay to fail. While this may seem counterintuitive, I have seen firsthand how students can learn the greatest lessons from falling short. For instance, I worked with a student who was interested in entrepreneurship but had no prior experience. She participated in an entrepreneurship competition, created a business plan, pitched her idea, and submitted her plan for consideration. Unfortunately, she did not qualify to move on to the next round of the competition. However, this setback did not deter her. Instead, she saw it as an opportunity to learn and grow. She made adjustments to her initial idea, reworked her plan, and ultimately took steps toward making her business idea a reality. This experience taught her valuable lessons about perseverance, resilience, and adaptability, lessons that will undoubtedly serve her well in the future.

It's important for students to know that failure is a natural part of the learning process.  

4. What do you want parents to know?

I want parents to understand the importance of balance. Between school work, extracurriculars, and college admissions goals, students can easily lose perspective. I encourage parents to help their student(s) strike an appropriate balance between work and play and encourage engagement in activities that bring joy, allow for stress relief, or spark creativity.

It's important for parents to recognize that their student's success is not solely dependent on academic achievements nor extracurricular activities. Encouraging students to pursue their passions and interests can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in the long run.

5. What is one way you can help?

My dedication to my students and families goes beyond just providing guidance on the college admissions process. I practice a holistic approach to education and strive to help students develop into well-rounded individuals. Whether it's advice on academics, extracurricular activities, community involvement, time management, communication skills, or personal growth, I’m always there to provide support and encouragement. My goal is to empower students to achieve their full potential, both academically and personally.