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5 Questions for Danny Yoo


Helpful tips about college admissions, test preparation and just being a better student, leader and person from ILUMIN Education.

5 Questions for Danny Yoo

Elton Lin

Danny Yoo is our latest addition to the ILUMIN team. With nearly twenty years of combined experience in education and entrepreneurship, he has worked with dedicated students from around the world as a college counselor, essay coach, and mentor. As an ILUMIN consultant, he loves guiding students through every aspect of the college admissions journey with creative energy, compassion, and genuine care for their well-being and long-term success. We asked Danny five questions to help you get to know him better.  

What is one of your favorite aspects of being a consultant?

I really enjoy helping students launch their very own signature projects to deepen their extracurricular profiles. With so many well-qualified applicants to review each year, colleges are seeking students who have demonstrated an unusually high level of initiative, leadership, and commitment to their interests. Well-planned and executed personal projects check all three boxes and show colleges how a student might contribute to their school community, as well as their potential for future success. 

It may sound like a daunting task at first, but with a little bit of creativity and guidance, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in their passion field, and make a real difference in their communities. Whether starting a medical journal club at school, building a mobile application that teaches a useful skill, or hosting a mindfulness podcast to promote mental well-being, signature projects that come from the heart can help students gain confidence in their abilities to benefit others, and open their minds to what they might be able to accomplish in the future. 

What is your approach to working with students?

As someone who has been in their shoes, I understand the pressures and stress that students often experience during the college application process. There are times when students may feel discouraged, unmotivated, or “stuck.” My approach as a big brother and personal mentor is to listen actively with empathy, provide emotional support and encouragement, and work hand-in-hand with students to help them overcome those moments of doubt and discover their true capabilities. When students feel that there is a clear action plan for them and that they have unconditional support from someone they trust, they become more confident and motivated to do their very best.

What advice do you have for students as they start writing their personal statements?

When feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of essay prompts, try working “backwards.” Start by brainstorming what you would like colleges to know about you, then select the prompt that allows you to present your best personal qualities in the most natural way. For example, one of my favorite pre-writing exercises with students is to have them list 15-20 most memorable moments in their lives and why each was so important to them. Next, we discuss each event in detail and how it helped to shape their thoughts, values, or interests. Through this simple process, we almost always find a topic that answers one of the personal statement prompts in the most personal way. The beauty of brainstorming before choosing a prompt is that not only do you find the most compelling and original topics for your personal statement, but you also identify additional insights about you that can be addressed in your supplemental essays! 

What advice do you have for underclassmen?

Beginning your college search early helps you find focus and motivation. Since college may seem far away for many underclassmen, it may be a challenge to feel excited about the admissions process in the early stages. To help them better visualize their college goals, I like to encourage my 9th and 10th grade students to begin identifying their colleges of interest, and actively learning about them through online research, testimonials from current students or alumni, and on-campus visits when possible. While guiding their research process and recommending additional schools that they might also enjoy, I love helping my students find early inspiration and motivation to do their best, as well as broadening their options for best fit colleges. 

What do you feel is the most important quality for success?

A whole-hearted commitment to discovering and developing one’s passions. In my recent career as a wellness entrepreneur, I learned that when you truly believe in an endeavor and apply your best effort, what may have initially seemed formidable becomes achievable and even enjoyable. Likewise, I have found that students who approach their college admissions journey with a “learning mindset” are some of the most successful applicants, as their dedication to learning and personal growth are fully conveyed in their applications and essays. 

To help students develop this approach, I like to discuss with them the invaluable life lessons and skills they are gaining through the college application journey, including: time-management and risk-taking, networking and communication skills, a more focused career outlook, and deeper self-awareness. It brings me a great sense of purpose and joy to be able to motivate my students and witness their personal growth on their way to successful and fulfilling lives beyond school.